Monday 8 December 2008

Christmas Dinner Change of Venue

Dear Members,

Hope you are all very excited about our Christmas dinner tomorrow night, Tuesday 9th December 2008 at 19:30!

1) We would like to notify you of a last-minute CHANGE OF VENUE! Please make sure to forward this information to anyone who may not have e-mail access prior to the event!
We will be posting a notice at the old venue just in case.

New Location: High Holborn Residence Common Room
Address: 178 High Holborn London WC1V 7AA

2) If you have not yet purchased your ticket, but would still like to go, PLEASE REPLY TO THIS EMAIL ASAP!
It will be difficult to guarantee anyone who has not bought a ticket, and the last thing we want to do is turn people away at the door.

3) Those of you who have yet to pay: Please locate a tall, lurchy, blonde who answers to the name Gustaf Ericson tomorrow. He is our treasurer and would love to tick you off his list of people to stalk.

Sorry for this last-minute confusion!

Your gallon of glogg in the yuletide,
Scandinavian Society Committee