Monday 27 October 2008

Week 4

Dear Members,
A few announcements,
1. Thank you all for an amazing first event! It was great to see such a fantastic turnout, and it is our hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did! We would at this point like for you to circle Tuesday, November 18th in your calendars for our next Scandinavian Party! More details to follow
2. Due to large interest from our members, we are happy to announce that we will be partaking in the Societies Soccer Tournament, and it is not too late to join! As before, if you are interested please respond to this email with "SOCCER TOURNAMENT" in the subject line.
3. Committee meeting Thursday 1200-1300 in Tower One - This week, we will be deciding the preliminary calendar for the year. Therefore, we would be extra glad for any input YOU would like to add.
Work hard, play hard,
Your Scandinavian Society Committee

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